I spent the week thinking the about all the things that were happening, what I would write about. And then this morning I woke up and made my husband breakfast. We are on the verge of planning a difference in our nutritional requirements and I wanted to have one more weekend of breakfasts that we would call our own.
I failed.
My husband requested huckleberry pancakes for breakfast. (He kind of smiled when he made the request, so I could tell that he looked forward to them as a real treat.) I can make them gluten free, dairy free, and egg free. I know that it sounds horrible, but I actually think they taste pretty good.
The first pancake was done and I called him upstairs... kind of proud that they came out so well. He take one look at the pancake and uttered, "Mud pies!" Ouch.
It's true that I hadn't remember to add nutmeg, cinnamon, or vanilla to the recipe. That's my post stroke taste buds kicking in. I added them to the mix for follow-on pancakes, but for me it made no difference. I rather suspect that I will eat the pancakes on their own the future because to him the don't stack up.
Stay tuned for next week. I still don't know what the topic is because there is so much going on...
Photo by tiverylucky. Stock Photo - Image ID: 100220835