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Podcasting to Be Heard

Do you want to know what podcasting is really like? Last year I knew that I had to go on podcasts. I was about to publish my first book, Stroke Forward, How to Become Your Own Healthcare Advocate . . . One Step at a Time. I didn’t have a clue about what to do to promote my brand. How to pick the right podcast. How to relate to the podcast host. How to speak.

Trouble Speaking

That’s right. Speaking was an issue for me. I had a stroke in 2014. While I had learned to walk again, the ability to talk became quite an issue after my stroke. I had aphasia, which is a speaking disorder that comes in many varieties. I had Broca’s aphasia, which means that I could understand what those around me were saying, but communicating back proved to be iffy at best.

The National Aphasia Association says that “If the symptoms of aphasia last longer than two or three months after a stroke, a complete recovery is unlikely. However, it is important to note that some people continue to improve over a period of years and even decades.”

That sounds pretty harsh to be saddled with something so debilitating for the rest of my days. I decided to seek out a different path. Three-and-a-half years after my stroke, I had a doctor who suggested I try neurofeedback. I went home and studied it because I had no idea what neurofeedback meant. I liked what I saw, and tried it out. Sixteen sessions later, I could speak normally again. I had kicked aphasia to the curb!

Where Should I Go for Podcasting?

I stumbled upon a webinar host by Kathleen Gage, the host of Power Up for Profits, in August 2019. I listened to the session. She seemed to have all the answers I needed! It was a little early for me to get started, so I hemmed and hawed about taking her classes. The price tag seemed a little out of my reach. As a new author who had her business taken away from her by a stroke, every dollar counted. Eventually, I signed up.

Kathleen Gage’s sessions provided the things I needed to succeed. She told me not to worry about my former aphasia. When we spoke, I uttered my sentences clearly. Moreover, I had a clear message that I wanted to share with other stroke survivors and their caretakers. I just needed to get out in the world and share my story.

Along the way, Kathleen helped me understand how important the one-sheet is. She helped me edit the sheet so that it made sense to podcasters. I learned how to find podcasts that fit my market. Most of all, I found compassion and encouragement. Kathleen set up my first few podcasts and I was on my way.

I found that being a guest was easier than expected. Did you know at that the beginning of 2020 there were 850,000 podcasts available? I could talk as an author, a stroke survivor, someone who knew about aphasia, an advocate . . . there were plenty of categories for me to choose among.

Easier than I Thought

Kathleen was right that being a podcast guest (or host) is much easier than you think it will be. You must follow a few lessons that she teaches and follow-through, though. The price tag turned out not to be an issue either. She provided value. More importantly, Kathleen became a true friend.

To see Kathleen in action, you can just click here.

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